Thursday, February 1, 2007

CSR Cheerdance Competition 2007

One thing I remember vividly about my highschool days was the School Intramurals, where we would prepare for weeks coming up with a routine and do a chereography accompanied by the beat of a snare drum. My mother is such an avid fan of school activities. She makes it a point that my family is present to give our support to events like these.

15 years flew by so quickly, now its my youngest sister's turn. Long gone are the snare drums and the pompoms. Now comes the generation of cheerdancing. Geez! Just looking at all those girls do sommersaults, lifts and their dance routines, makes me stop dead in my tracks. It makes me realize one thing - yep, I'm getting old. Haha!

But it does bring back a lot of memories and I love events like these, because my family gets together - join games, eat the sandwiches my mom makes (she wakes up at 5 am to do this, like how she did it when I was younger), cheer , enjoy the rides and of course, take lots and lots of pictures as mementos of a wonderful day!

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